November 17, 2023 | Eul Basa

5 Pro Tips For Finding A Relationship This Year

Some people say you shouldn't go looking for love—they say it should be something that happens naturally; something that the universe decides for you. But sometimes, you can't rely on serendipity alone. There comes a point where you just have to take matters into your own hands.

It just makes sense. If finding a relationship is based on a combination of fate and initiative, then by only relying on the former, you'd miss out on half of the opportunities. If you're seeking a partner this year, it might be in your best interest to set up some sort of action plan. Here are a few pro tips that could help.

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#1 Understand Yourself

If you don't love yourself, how can you expect to love anyone else? We spend our whole lives trying to figure out who we are as individuals, and that's okay. But no matter where you are in your journey to self-discovery, there's always room for improvement. Even the most self-assured people still take the time to better themselves.

Whether you decide to take your physical fitness more seriously, step up your grooming game, or pick up a new hobby, you should always strive to be the best version of yourself. Not everyone is going to like you; even your best version. But you're not doing this for them, you're doing this for you. The more confidence you build in yourself, the more people will start to notice you and perceive you in a different light.

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#2 Get Socializing

You'll never find a relationship if you don't make the effort to socialize. While it's convenient to stick to the same old routine every day, it can be very refreshing to mix it up every once and a while! Go out with your coworkers, set up an online dating profile, or even join a club with one of your friends. There's no shame in putting yourself out there.

The whole point is to make new connections. The more you expand your social circle, the greater the opportunities will be for finding a partner. Introduce yourself, talk to strangers, open yourself up to new things—once you get used to being in social situations, you'll learn to get past the awkwardness.

Image result for socializingIrreverent Gent

#3 Less Compromise

Know exactly what you want from a partner. Before you jump into anything serious, evaluate your preferences. Make sure you're seeing someone for the right reasons. While you probably shouldn't approach dating with an all-or-nothing mentality, it's still important that the person you're pursuing checks off at least some of the major boxes on your list. Likewise, you also need to meet some of the person's preferences as well. It's all about compatibility.

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#4 Avoid Overthinking

Don't get caught up on the "what ifs" too much. If you overthink it, you might cloud your better judgment and end up making a regretful decision. Perhaps the best approach is to take it step-by-step while reassessing the connection periodically. Also, have open lines of communication with your patner—the more you communicate with each other, the less prone you'll be to overthinking the situation.

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#5 Don't Fear Rejection

Lastly, don't be afraid to strike out. It's just a part of life. Again, everyone has different preferences and not everyone is going to like you. But there are more than 7 billion people on this planet—even if you've been rejected a thousand times, there's still a whole world of people out there for you to meet. Be patient and be resilient, the person for you is out there somewhere.

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