November 18, 2019 | Molly Seif

People Share The Worst Case Of Rich Kid Behavior They've Ever Witnessed

We all know at least one of these kinds of children: bratty, selfish, or spoiled. These kids are the epitome of annoying—they are often rude, condescending, and tend to throw temper tantrums when they don't get their way. It's worse when they have uber-rich parents. They don't know the value of money, how to treat people, or how to be humble. For some, these qualities never wear off, and they never fully recover from "rich kid syndrome."

Could you imagine throwing a fit over the fact that your custom car won't ship from Germany earlier than six weeks? What about purposefully crashing your expensive vehicle so your parents will buy you an even snazzier one? Or throwing a fit over the fact that your family made you sail on their yacht to Italy all summer? While these scenarios may all sound absurd, they are as truthful as they are unsettling. The witnesses to the behaviors of snotty, spoiled kids took to the internet to share the worst instance of "rich kid syndrome" they've ever experienced.


Don't forget to check the comment section below the article for more interesting stories!

#1 That's A Little Excessive

In middle school, we were asked to draw our homes for some assignment and hand it in at the end of class. A popular, extremely wealthy kid who sat behind me raised his hand and smugly asked the teacher for another sheet of paper because he couldn’t draw it all on one page. His friends just snickered but I was cringing. Even at 12, I remember thinking it was such a snobby thing to say.


#2 Um, Yes We Are?

I work at a country club and on the Fourth of July (while I was working), a little girl asked why we were closing at 7 p.m. instead of staying open all night. I told her I wanted to light sparklers and fireworks with my family too! She thought about it, looked back at me and said, “But... y’all aren’t real people?” I just had to laugh and inform her I was indeed real and that all my coworkers weren’t just the slaves of the country club. Wildman.


#3 I Have No Pity

I ended up at one of those fancy private universities. Coming from a small Ohio town, it resulted in a lot of “culture shock.” One of the most memorable moments was when I was eating breakfast at one of the campus restaurants super early before I opened the store I worked at. There was a girl at a table with her friend who was just completely broken down, sobbing.

She was basically incomprehensible and I immediately thought she must have lost a family member. My heart broke for her... until, through rolling tears, she managed to croak out, “It’s just not fair! I asked for a Mercedes and he got me a BMW.” Meanwhile, I’m hoping my paycheck can cover an overdue oil change on my 1998 Plymouth Neon.


#4 You're The Maid, Buddy

I worked at a Starbucks and we hired a new guy, who I was training. At one point, I had to show him how to clean the restrooms. I grabbed the bleach and handed him a pair of gloves. He looked at me in disgust and said, "We don't have a maid to clean the bathrooms?" He quit the next day. I don't even know if he was actually a rich kid or not.


#5 It's Not That Simple, Richie

The Nintendo DS just came out. It was like, $150 and there was no way I could afford it. My family lived in a cramped, one-bedroom apartment and drove a 20-year-old car that was always breaking down. We ate those cheap bags of Walmart beans and rice for months at one point. I expressed my desire to own one after my friend said he had one. He blurted out, "Why can't your parents just... buy you one? I don't get it, it's dirt cheap?" He didn't want to be my friend anymore after that. He literally avoided me and made fun of me for the rest of the year behind my back.


#6 What A Demanding Little Brat

I work for a dentist and her son is a spoiled brat. He was at the office one day because she had to bring him to an appointment later that day. He got bored and went out, wandering around some of the local shops. He came back a little while later and, without any preamble, walked up to her and said, "Give me $80". She asked him what it was for and he just repeated himself. She gave it to him.


#7 Consequences Don't Exist, Apparently

My fiance's cousin managed to crash four cars while still in high school because he knew his father would replace them without question. When he moved into college, he got kicked out of several apartments for owning a dog when they weren't permitted. He told me he didn't care though since his father also funded his continuous stream of new housing. From what I last heard, his father is now paying for his long-standing drinking habit.


#8 It's All A Big Misunderstanding

My brother works at a rehab center for the kids of wealthy parents. He's always got stories, but the one that sticks with me the most was a kid who was in trouble with the law and doing rehab before his court appearances. He wanted to look like a better person so that hopefully the judge would go easier on him. He was mopey one day, so my brother asked him what was wrong.

The kids started talking about how tough the whole experience had been for him, how it has been so hard on his family that his parents had to sell his house to pay for his rehab. My brother felt sympathetic and said, "Darn, that sucks that your parents had to sell their house over this," to which the kid corrected him, "No, they kept their house. They had to sell mine."


#9 That's One Way To Curb Jealousy

My friend got a theater and arcade built over this family’s 12-car garage. His parents didn’t want his five-year-old sister to be jealous, so they hired an architect to design and built her a fully-functioning playhouse with a bathroom, AC, and a bedroom. That's just the tip of the iceberg with this family, though...


#10 I Don't Think You're Ready For The Real World

“I could absolutely survive on my own. My parents just pay for my food and house, but I pay for everything else. If I got a job I could pay for my food and house too,” An 18-year-old rich girl said this in the middle of a discussion between two middle-class peers who were talking about saving money because they had to pay for their own college and living expenses.

About five minutes prior to this conversation, both peers had ordered the cheap dinner options and declined a shopping trip later that night, while the rich girl was talking nonstop about buying the most expensive souvenirs for her friends. Once, she tried working a regular-person-retail-job and then she quit within a couple of weeks.

She eventually moved across the country for an eight-month education course, where her parents paid for her food, rent, and schooling. They also gave her a debit card which replenished up to $500 when it hits $50... She constantly suggests the most expensive options for meals, activities, etc., and tacks on things like, “We can just split the bill—I know you’re saving, but it’s just $50. You’ll be fine right?” Then she gets upset when people can’t afford to spend time with her.


#11 Oh, So He's Rich Rich

A friend of mine inherited a lot of money. It was enough to buy a house, yet he spent it on two cars. One was a Subaru, completely modded to the Ken Blocks version of it, and the other one was a BMW. They were both extremely expensive. We asked him a few months later why he didn’t buy a house with the money instead because he still lived with his parents. He told us that he already owned a penthouse, he just didn’t want to move yet...


#12 Your Parents Are Far Too Forgiving

One of my college classmates wrecked his Range Rover over winter break and came back in an Aston Martin.


#13 That's A Strange Threat For A 10-Year-Old

I was in military school once and there were a bunch of rich international kids there. It was an all-boys school and one kid got in a fight with another kid. He was losing pretty bad. In the middle of the fight, he pushed the other kid away and yelled, "This fight is over! You're getting sued by my dad’s lawyer!" We were only 10-years-old.


#14 Well, They Don't Give A Crap

I went to a destination wedding ina Mexico resort. The rich kids rented a golf cart, tore through the streets and flipped the cart, injuring people and causing a huge commotion. A Mexican lady came out and began to scold them for their behavior. "You wouldn't act this way at home!" The rich kid responded, "I promise you, we do." It was the earnestness of his reply that got me.


#15 You Are Spoiled To The Core

We went to high school with this insufferably spoiled kid. The family had a couch and classical European sculpture in their home elevator. The kid regularly talked down to the less fortunate. One time, he made fun of me for picking a coin up off the ground. Clearly, he never learned the value of a dollar because he's never had to lift a finger to make one.


#16 Sounds Like The Kid Won That One

I went to school with a crazy rich kid. His parents divorced and each decided to buy his love. His mom owned a real estate agency, so she got him a license and spoon-fed him enough sales for a six-figure income. The dad, on the other hand, bought him a magazine company to run. It worked about as well as you'd imagine.


#17 Not A Great Fallback Plan, Buddy

My fraternity brother's monthly allowance of $2,000 was canceled from his parents because he got a few F's on his report card. He then called his aunt for a separate allowance. The dude was a huge jerk. His dad is a very successful stockbroker in the Memphis area. He only went to college so he could earn a degree to work at that company. He already had it made from day one.


#18 Yikes, How Will She Survive?

I knew a girl whose allowance was $90 a day. She got into trouble, so they cut it to $90 a week.


#19 Please Teach Her The Value Of A Dollar

She got a new, super-expensive phone for Christmas, then an even more expensive phone for Valentine's Day. She gave the old one to one of her friends. She constantly has super expensive items and sits in the lap of luxury. Her dad drives her to school every day in his Lamborghini and she is picked up in a limo at the end of the day. She's super bratty and can't stand it when something doesn't go her way.


#20 I Just Can't Understand This Logic

My friend literally throws away his change because he hates holding coins. It doesn't matter if it's $0.99, he'll throw it away. That stuff adds up, man.


#21 Manipulating The System Has Never Been More Dangerous

This rich witch in high school got a BMW for her 17th birthday. About a week later, she totaled it. A few of my friends and I were wondering what happened, considering there considered pretty safe and reliable. Apparently, she wanted a brand new 2000 BMW 3. Series and she got a 1997 model. She's so spoiled.


#22 That Sounds Like An Awful Summer

So my best friend's wife teaches at a ritzy, $40,000-per-year private school. As in, $40,000 a year for elementary and middle school (I think the high school is about $50,000). Well, she teaches 7th or 8th grade, I can't remember, and she said she always goes around the class after the summer break, asking them what they did over the summer. She particularly remembers one kid complaining about how much his summer sucked because he was stuck on his parent's yacht all summer and they didn't even take it to anywhere cool... just Italy.


#23 This Sounds Like The Parents' Fault

In high school, a kid was bragging that he got in his third fender bender in his "old" car that his parents gave him. He didn't care because his parents were buying him an entirely new car to incentivize him to drive better and safer. I'm not sure if I agree with that parenting strategy, but to each their own, I guess.


#24 Not Everyone Is A Millionaire, Dude

I knew this one guy at my college who didn't understand why everybody got so worked up about student loans. I remember him saying something along the lines of, "Why don't people just pay the tuition upfront?" He was also quite sheltered, so I guess I cut him some slack. It's not his fault he was raised to be so obtuse.


#25 This Kid Needs A Finance Class

I worked with this kid who was a good guy but completely disconnected from financial reality. He’d just moved out west from another state and was trying to get on like a “normal” adult. He went to buy a new car and was shocked that they couldn’t just bill his dad for it. He ordered a bottle of wine at a restaurant and the sommelier said: “Just for your knowledge, sir, the bottle is $700.” He looked straight at him and asked: “Is that a lot?” The sommelier honestly didn’t know how to answer.


#26 I Hope He Got Suspended

In middle school, a repairman was working on a broken AC in our class. This one kid kept making fun of how dirty he looked. The repairman finally had enough of it and requested the kid to come to the principal office with him. The kid started screaming stupid stuff like, "How dare you speak to me in that tone, do you know who my dad is? Don’t you dare touch me, you’re dirty." At that moment, I lost all faith in humanity.


#27 I Don't Want To Hear It, Sweetie

I had a friend whose family was ridiculously rich. She was so blind to just how lucky she was. She once left her limited edition Pikachu 2DS on a plane and was able to replace it, along with all the games she left behind. Her biggest complaint was that she'd have to make up all her lost gameplay. She just kept whining about it. She was living on her own in an apartment that her parents paid for despite being thousands of miles away from her. She also ordered dinner from gourmet places every night.

She took great care to detail for me exactly what she was having every night. I was living in a college dorm at the time, in a town that was basically a food desert. Nothing was available for delivery unless you wanted Papa John's, and the options for dining out other than the campus dining hall were Moe's and a few other places of similar quality.

I'd been pretty content with these until her luxurious lifestyle started to make me envious. She just couldn't help but flaunt her wealth all the time. I talked to her once about it and at least she was kind enough to stop telling me every dinner she was splurging on, but with everything else, she was still 100% obnoxious.


#28 He Got What Was Coming To Him

I saw this Aussie guy in a Thai pub on Koh Samui. He wanted to show the bar girls that he was rich, so he lit up a 1,000 baht bill. He probably did not know how much Thai's loved their King, and his face is on the bill. What's even worse is that the king just recently died. The rich kid got his butt kicked so hard. He was thrown out of that bar.


#29 Where Is The Logic?

I babysat some rich kids. When we were watching a movie, one of the kids made a remark about how someone was ugly because they were poor. That kid was about 11 years old.


#30 Jeez, His Life Is So Hard

This kid back in high school was whining (I mean literally whimpering) because he had to wait for something like six weeks for his custom-built BMW to come over from Germany. I will never fathom how a human can end up so spoiled to the point where not receiving something immediately upon request will trigger tears within the millisecond.


#31 At Least He Covered The Cost

I became friends with a kid whose family was really well off. He was a really nice guy, but just a bit sheltered. University was the first time he really had any independence, but he had very little sense of what the value of a dollar really was since his folks got usually him what he wanted without question. There was one particular time he wanted us to eat at a restaurant, and he assured us it was a really good spot. So we all rocked up to this place, only to discover the prices for main courses started at $40 to $60. When he realized this, he was so embarrassed he got his folks to pay for it.


#32 We Need To Have A Chat

I was complaining about how I was short on money one month because I had to pay for rent and a tag renewal all in the same paycheck. My rich friend looked at me, super seriously, and said: "Don't worry, they send you those in the mail for free!" After a long discussion, she learned that, in fact, her mom had been paying for her new tags every year.


#33 What An Unfortunate Dilemma

My friend’s parents had a dilemma because they both bought each other new Mercedes for Valentine's Day.


#34 Hey, You Got Free Food

When I got out of the navy, I decided to use my GI bill at one of the Penn State satellites. I was sitting in the cafeteria drinking coffee and typing up a paper when a girl sat down across from me. She pulled out a sandwich bag from her backpack, looked at it in disgust, then looked me dead in the eye and said, "I don't even know why I bother, my mother never cuts off the crust."

I let out one of those high-pitched short laughs. Was this girl for real? Oblivious to the tone of it, she said, "I know right," then asked me if I wanted it. I looked around thinking I was getting pranked or something, but she shook it at me and quipped, "Well?" I said screw it and took the sandwich, she then pulled out her student ID card and bought a ton of french fries.

That sandwich was awesome, by the way. I think the bread was homemade and it was stacked like a Dagwood. It had all kinds of expensive-looking meats and Dijon mustard; serious gourmet stuff. I know this girl's mother will never see this, but I just want to assure her that at least someone appreciated her sandwich.


#35 Someone Is Full Of Themselves

When I was in boarding school, one of my co-boarders handed me some mail, saying, "Do you notice anything special about this envelope?"When I checked it out, I realized his face was on the stamp... Apparently, I was in the presence of royalty. This guy must have been loaded. I honestly didn't know how to act. The guy was eating up my expressions and smirking the whole time.


#36 Gosh, This Would Make Me Wince

I went on a cruise with a rich friend. Dinner was served as a three-course menu, and you could order as many different courses as you wanted. My rich friend would order two plates of food per course, eat a single bite or two, and throw away the rest of the food. My family was extremely poor when I was younger, and even though we are much better financially now, we still refuse to throw away even the smallest leftovers. All those plates of food wasted hurt my heart to see.


#37 It's Fine, I Don't Fight Cowards

In high school, a kid made fun of my mother, so I squared up ready to fight him. Then he said, “If you lay a finger on me, I’ll get my fathers lawyer to sue your family for everything they’ve got.” I laughed at him, called him a coward and went on with my life. The moment he said that to me, I realized he wasn't worth the trouble.


#38 Now This Is Just Ridiculous

My mom's friend used to buy new clothes each season and throw out the old ones. She had to be taught by her husband to save them for the next year.


#39 Ah, If Only I Thought Of That

I used to work as an after-school babysitter for a LOADED doctor couple with two kids. My job was mainly to pick up the younger kid from school and hang out with them until his parents got home. He was a good kid, but coddled and immature. He was in 5th or 6th grade at this point. Oftentimes, he would not be at his classroom when I came to get him, and the school campus was huge.

I had to comb the whole campus, and he was rarely in the same place twice. He had a cell phone but he usually ignored its existence except for when he played games on it while in the car. The school was in the city and I had to park on the street. A couple of times, I wound up with parking tickets because, despite having stuffed the meter with enough quarters, the search for my charge would take much longer than anticipated.

After a point, I mentioned this to him, calmly asking that he respect my time and stay in a set location so that I don't end up with a $25 ticket again. He looked at me with a good-natured shrug and said, "Well, that's not much. You can afford that." Sonny, your parents pay me $140 a week and I was in college. I know you live in a $1.4-million house and your dad buys you an expensive new toy every Sunday, but with the money they're forking over for your education, someone ought to have taught you the value of a dollar by now.


#40 Let's Teach This Kid A Lesson

I worked as a bouncer at a high-end night club. The biggest jerk of a rich kid, straight out of Malibu’s Most Wanted, got a VIP booth and bottle service. He racked up a massive bill trying to act like a baller. His credit card got denied and he had to call his dad to come down at 1:30 a.m. because he couldn’t order any more bottles. The worst part? His dad actually came down, in his pajamas. He was obviously ashamed and furious at his kid, but he still handed over another credit card to him. The kid basically snatched the card from his dad's hands and turned his back away in a snap, while the dad sluggishly walked back out of the venue to his car.


#41 That's A Slap In The Face

When I was a kid, I got bullied a lot by this one kid named Miguel. His family was a lot better off than mine. They spoiled him, buying him the latest shoes, Starter jackets, video games, etc. He was always showing it off and especially liked to rub it into my face. My parents both worked two jobs to try and provide a decent life for me growing up, but money was tight. Most of my clothes I either got from the thrift store or they were hand-me-downs from my older cousins.

I remember one day, my parents decided to treat me and take me to the Nike outlet and get a pair of brand new sneakers. This was the first pair of shoes I had in a long time that was all mine and never worn by anyone else. I remember being so excited to wear them to school and walked onto the playground with a big smile the next day. Miguel took one look at my shoes and said, "Nice new, old shoes. I had a pair of those last year when they were cool." Then, he proceeded to kick dirt on them. With a few words and some dirt, he completely crushed the happiness high I was riding in an instant.


#42 They Could Buy The Whole Library

A rich kid I know brought $1,000 to the book fair in elementary school. Yeah, $1,000. That’s not a typo.


#43 Sounds Like They Want To Get Rid Of Her

My step-sister blew off a Paris vacation because she didn't bother to get her passport renewed. A week later, her sugar daddy bought her a vacation to Mexico for a week. She missed that one too. Also, a year earlier, her mom got her a seven-day cruise that she missed because her mom didn't bother to check when her spring break was. It keeps me up at night thinking about all the money that had been wasted to get her out of the country.


#44 Impulsive Online Shopping Is A No-No

I befriended him in fifth grade over our shared interest in the Yugioh trading card game. The first time I hung out at his place, I noticed just how littered with stuff his room was. I showed him some rare card that I had recently pulled from a pack. He got super jealous and angry that I wouldn’t trade or sell it to him. He immediately got up, walked over to the family computer and booted up a site where you could buy cards.

He was completely ignoring me at this point, his eyes glued to the screen while he online shopped. After adding a few things to his cart, he yelled, “Where’s the credit card?” Immediately, his older sister came running up the stairs to yell, “Kyle, mom said no more buying stuff online!” He closed the website and shut off the computer. Kyle then proceeded to have a crying tantrum on the floor. I was just standing there over him in shock at how he was acting. I slowly stopped hanging out with him after that.


#45 So Close, But So, So Far

A guy looked at my $2,000 beater car in college and commented that it must've been really cheap. He guessed $15,000.


#46 Call the Police

I was at the Ford dealership getting my oil changed and killing time by walking through the big showroom. There is a Mustang GT350 sitting in the middle with a huge bow on it and folks gathered around waiting for someone. Minutes later the family comes in with their son, who immediately yells about wanting it in blue instead of black, and denting the passenger door with a swift kick.

Image result for mustang gt50Autocar

#47 Good Riddance!

My sister refuses to look for a job and, as a result, moves back home. She uses my parent's vehicle to drive around with her boyfriend and go to parties and stuff. One day there's a family emergency and the car is not in the driveway for her to use. She throws a tantrum, trashes the house, and runs away with her boyfriend. By the way, my sister is 22 years old.

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#48 Wash Her Mouth Out

I was in a Toys R Us in the 90s. A mother and daughter, who had to be around 12, were shopping. The girl asked if she can have some toy. The mother said, "No, we are here to get a gift for ... ." The girl asked once or twice more and the mom declined.

The girl then said "f*** you, Mommy" and took off running. The mother chased here, while the kid cursed her out. Eventually, it must have ended.

I went to check out and the mother/daughter were behind me. The mother not only got her the toy she wanted, but actually apologized.

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#49 Catty

My cat will only eat his kibble if it's whole pieces. He ignores the broken ones. Spoiled cat... I mean brat!

Image result for mean catYouTube

#50 Oooh, It's Shiny

My employer's two sons have everything paid for, so they never have to worry about cost. They both have everything they want and need. One of them likes expensive shiny things and he's always thrown fits until he got what he wanted, from what his dad told me. For Christmas, he wanted a $1200 55" Samsung curved TV, even after his dad stated that his budget was $1000 for each. He threw fits and got mad at his dad. His dad, being the wimp he is, apologized and ended up buying it for him anyway. The son is 21 years old.

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#51 Pass The Classifieds, Please

A friend of mine is married to a very rich man. Old coal money or something. No one in the family has to work, they all just live off of investments. Anyway, she was crying one day because her mother-in-law was threatening to cut her husband's allowance, and he might have to, GASP, get a job!

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#52 It Wasn't A Good Year

I went to school with a girl who got a 2012 BMW, and literally cried and cussed out her parents because she didn't get a 2015.

Image result for crying girlVideo Blocks

#53 But Me My Own Or Else

When my brother broke off one of the rear-view mirrors on my father's nicest car two days before getting his license (driving illegally because he couldn't be bothered with the five-minute walk to the store on a mild sunny day to get a can of soda). He just put the car in the garage like nothing happened. My parents bought him a brand new motorcycle so that he "wouldn't be tempted to borrow the car" anymore. I may have seen worse but this was in my family so...
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#54 Jet Set

In college, I knew a girl whose daddy was some big shot banker or something. He made enough that the wife didn't have to work, and 3 kids could go to expensive schools with little financial aid.

This girl didn't have to work during college, had all her supplies and lodging paid for by daddy, and got to fly home every time there was a 3-day weekend. All on her father's dime.

I once had to borrow $10 from her to pay for some food when we went out to eat. I promised I would pay her back once I got my check next week (at the time I worked for a cafe), and she seemed cool with it. Turns out she was not cool with it, and promptly bashed me on her blog and to all her other friends, calling me a bad person and a thief. All because I borrowed $10, which I paid her back. I brought up the blog posts and she was very embarrassed.

Last I heard of her she's living in a daddy-paid Manhattan apartment, working part-time as a receptionist at a yoga studio. She started a new blog about "the struggle."

EDIT: Another instance, this was back in high school so the details are a little fuzzy, but there were two girls. 1. The daughter of oil money 2. the daughter of a garbage truck corporation. They always tried to out-do each other. The oil money girl got a brand new Audi convertible when she got her license.

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#55 Rich People Problems

I'm from a rich area in Dallas, TX, so I've seen some stuff. I went back for a visit, and my childhood best friend was complaining that her parents were only letting her go to New Zealand instead of Amsterdam. Her dad is a multi-millionaire, and both of her teenage brothers drive Teslas.

My male best friend was complaining to me that he didn't get to go to prom in a hummer limo, only a regular stretch. He looked like he was going to pass out when I told him that I missed prom in high school to work a night shift.

Glad I don't know them anymore.

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#56 It's Not Fair!

I dated a girl who was given a brand new car for her 16th. She had it for less than a year before she crashed it. Her parents bought her a used car. She had it for about a year before crashing it. They bought her a THIRD car (used), and when her brother turned 16, she pitched a fit because he got a new car, while she had to drive around her used car.

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#57 Jobs Are Beneath Me

I didn't know her personally, but I'm still friends with a guy who dated one of her friends and I heard this from him.

We all went to a private, pretty expensive school in the US. The "spoiled rotten" girl got a degree in journalism and promptly moved to London to find a job.

Her parents rented her an apartment, and I assume paid for her life, for about 2 years, before she was forced to move back. She had never looked for a job, nor was employed while there.

Once back in the states, she refused to live in her parents' house, citing she was a grown woman and how could this be expected of her.

Her parents bought her an apartment in NYC.

Last I heard, she still lives in that apartment, without a job, but is/has moved because it's in "lame Brooklyn," not Manhattan.

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#58 Here. Now Quiet.

A friend of mine saved up for an iPod when they first came out. He literally saved for a year to get one. His mom took him and his sister to the mall so he could purchase his. His sister started throwing a tantrum because she didn't have one now. Their Mom got so fed up with her about it, she bought the sister one to just shut her up.

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#59 Make It Bigger

A friend I went to high school with got a slightly smaller iPadPro for his birthday. He really wanted the bigger one with more memory. He proceeded to put it on record and throw it off a roof in retaliation. His parents then buy him another iPadPro ("the correct one," as he put it.) I don't talk to him anymore because he was a condescending jerk.

Image result for iPad ProNews 4 C

#60 Just Not Good Enough

For a girl's 16th birthday, she was given a brand new Mercedes and immediately broke down crying in front of all of us. There were about 20 of her guests. She was upset because she wanted a Porsche, not a Mercedes. I had to walk three miles home because I still didn't have a car.

Image result for porscheThe Drive

#61 Gosh, Your Life Is So Unfortunate

A girl I went to high school with got a Mercedes for her 16th birthday. She complained for days on end about the fact that she didn't get a Lexus. Her name was Lexi and she thought it would be so cool to drive a Lexus with a custom license plate that said "Lexi" on it. Her parents ended up caving in and bought her a Lexus for her 17th birthday.


#62 You're Really Getting Her Another?

When we were fourteen-years-old, my ex-best friend lost her Pandora bracelet, which was full of charms, at school. It was worth a total of $500. She called her mom and said, "I need a new Pandora bracelet." The mom simply answered, "Okay, sweetie. We'll go buy one this afternoon alright?" and then she hung up.


#63 Oh Man, He's A Special Kind Of Spoiled

I worked at a gas station in my early 20s. It was the hangout spot for spoiled teens to show off their new cars. One rowdy kid turned 16 years old and his parents bought him a brand new sports car (don't ask me what it was, it just looked really expensive). By the next weekend, he totaled that car trying to show off and do donuts in a nearby intersection.

He ended up slamming right into a pole. He was fine, but his car was demolished. Within two weeks, he already had another BRAND NEW car! He would brag about how his parents were so stupid and that he was already looking to 'upgrade' when the next model came out. He had no regard for the money his parents shelled out or the lives he put in jeopardy with his reckless driving. I wanted to throttle him.


#64 You Want Me To Crash Your Car?

I had to drive a girl home in her 2009 Tahoe. She asked me to crash it because it didn't have a touchscreen and that it wasn't fair her sister had a new one. The worst part is, she was 100% serious about it. She even said she'd pay me $200 to do it. She needed a reason for her parents to buy her a more upgraded version.


#65 Yeah, You Guys Raised A Monster

A girl in my school was "surprised" in the school's parking lot with a new BMW. A freaking BMW. Her dad bought it for her and it wasn't even her birthday. Everyone who was outside was basically watching it go down. She started crying and at first, everyone thought they were happy tears. Then, all of a sudden, she ran back into the school.

Apparently, they were supposed to show up earlier. (I'm assuming there would have been many more students to witness the surprise). I felt bad for the dad because he looked totally embarrassed and sad about it. You could just tell that in his head, he was thinking: "I created this monster." Money can buy nice things but it can't guarantee a good personality.


#66 The Chicken Literally Crossed The Road...

I dated this girl and she loved KFC. She ended up getting her dad to buy a franchise just across the road, then relocate it to the same side of the road as her apartment that was on so she didn't have to cross the road. It wasn't even for the investment. She literally was just too lazy to make her way across the street to buy some chicken.


#67 That's Nothing To Be Proud Of, Sweetie

There are a lot of rich kids in my business program. I met this one girl a few months ago at a social. We were chatting about our program when at one point, she proudly told me about how she could always sue the school if things didn’t go her way. She also said something to the effect of: “They have to take my threat seriously because they know I actually have the means to follow through with it.”


#68 An Audi? How Did You Survive?

My brother and I grew up in a working-class family, but when my mom remarried we were all of a sudden in the 1%. One day when we were in high school, my brother’s girlfriend came over to our place in tears. It turns out she was upset because the family’s Mercedes was in the shop and she had to use the Audi for the day.


#69 No Biggie, Just Wasting Thousands

My friend is a commercial pilot and works for a large company that has a "flight department" consisting of several jets and turboprop airplanes. The owner's kids and a group of their friends were granted permission to take one of the jets from the central part of the US to the Bahamas. Upon arriving in the Bahamas, they met other friends and got on a very, very large yacht for a week.

They realized the yacht was equipped with fine dining food, but they didn't want any of it. They ordered the pilots to fly back through US Customs and to their hometown in the Midwest. Once there, they picked up multiple sides of BBQ ribs, burgers, hotdogs, soda, beer and piles of other junk food before flying back to the Bahamas. It cost roughly $5,000 an hour to operate the jet they were using.


#70 No One Is Cleaning Up Your Messes, Dude

A kid who lived across the hall from me in my freshman year of college was from Honduras. On our first night, during one of the ice breaker activities, he leaned in to ask me if I knew when the maids would come to clean up. I guess his family was very well off in his home country and the entire semester was an eye-opener for him.


#71 You Should Give Us Back Your Pancakes Then

I used to work for a restaurant that celebrated free pancake day. On free pancake day, I had a most interesting encounter. This college kid came in and took an entire four-person table all to himself. He set up his Macbook, then put on some fancy headphones which were connected to his iPhone. He didn't take off his headphones to order his food, nor did he even look at me.

He just wanted the free pancakes and water. He stayed for over two hours during our busiest day. Finally, when we were getting ready to end the event, we started collecting donations for the local children's hospital. I stopped by his table to let him know. He put up one finger and made a big show of shutting his laptop. Pausing his music, he turns to me and said, "I don't think people should get free stuff."


#72 Good God, There's Two Of Them

These twins in high school got matching trucks for their 17th birthday. Twin A was a brat and smashed his truck in record time. His parents decided not to get him another one, so he decided to take Twin B's truck and crash it ON PURPOSE so that they were even. If he couldn't have one, neither could his brother. So much recklessness and spite in what he did.


#73 Hey, Someone Has To Make The Tough Decisions

I was in a theology class where we were talking about compromises. The teacher asked the class: "What are some compromises your parents have made?" Then, a very rich girl raised her hand and said: "My mom wanted to go to Hawaii and my dad wanted to go to Mexico, so we compromised and went to the Bahamas instead."


#74 At Least He Was Being Honest...

My first teaching job was at a private middle school in one of the wealthiest enclaves in the United States. I taught a kid who told me he didn't finish his homework because his helicopter had stalled over the weekend and he couldn't leave his family's island. He was telling the truth. The same kid was also a huge pain in the butt.

He would often misbehave with the "cool" kids then would lie through his teeth when held accountable. His parents knew he was a jerk. They cared enough to bring me a case of wine from their vineyard at every parent-teacher conference or before the holidays, but they didn't care enough to discipline their kid. Talk about mixed priorities.


#75 Yep, This Is Obviously The Only Possibility...

My rich cousin contends that people are poor because they are fat and lazy. According to her, If they took better care of their appearance, they too could be rich in a society based on first impressions and looking the part. Clearly, she didn't have much life experience. Not everyone who goes through financial struggle ended up there by neglecting their appearance.


#76 You Know What's Dignified? Not Being A Jerk

There was this rich kid in our class who was literally disgusted that we would buy used stuff (like computer parts) on eBay. Once, during a conversation, I said I bought a memory module for my PC on eBay and he told me that I should have a little dignity. "If you buy used stuff, you should just keep that to yourself," he'd say.


#77 Time To Cut Him Off, Mom

My college roommate's mom gave him $1,400 "for the weekend," just randomly. He blew through the whole thing by Saturday and asked his mom for more money. He ended up screaming at her because she refused to give him any more. His argument was that he spent most of what she gave him on Friday, which isn't a part of the weekend.


#78 Hey, Rich People Have Struggles Too

There were two children who attended the elementary school that was connected to my middle school. Every day, their parents would leave the house and drive separately to pick them up before returning home. I should mention at this point that they each drove a Lamborghini, one black and one orange. At first, I thought they were just being showy, but then I realized that they were two-seaters, so this was really the only way to do it.


#79 As It Turns Out, Laziness Can Lead To Riches

A long time ago, I was dating a rich girl. Not insanely rich, but rich enough. Well, I'm from Norway and we have a recycling system for plastic bottles (you get like, 10 cents per bottle). Her family had a literal mountain of empty bottles and crates in their warehouse. I asked her dad, "Umm, what are you going to do with these," to which he replied something like, "Oh, those are from our employee staff parties from a couple of years back, I just haven't had the time to get rid of them."

Logically, I told him that I'd recycle them for a percentage. He said, "Keep it all, guy," so I did, I had to do multiple trips to several different stores, but it ended up being like, $1,300, which was insane money for me at the time. I bought a guitar with it. I realize now it's not a CRAZY story, but for me, it was insane to earn that much money for four to five hours of work because her family couldn't be arsed to do it.


#80 It's So Hard To Stretch $1,000

One time, a college dorm mate next door was stressed out because his dad hadn’t yet given him money for the month yet, and the $1,000 in his bank account wasn’t going to last him for the week. Well, maybe if he didn't go out every night, it wouldn't be an issue. Meanwhile, I had to donate plasma to afford my next meal. Life just is like that.


#81 Wait... He Has A Personal Wave Pool?

I attended a private school in a developing country, so a lot of my classmates were in the 1% of the country. Whenever we'd be swimming in the school pool, one friend of ours would always remark that swimming is more fun with waves. I had no idea what he was talking about and generally thought he was just being imaginative. One day, he invited me over to his house for swimming and he had a 50-foot indoor wave pool. He wasn't lying. They are a lot more fun.


#82 Exclusive Friends

I had two friends in college who were from the UAE. They were brothers and their parents had funded their schooling in the US. They were actually pretty cool and down to earth. They knew I didn't have a ton of money and couldn't afford to do the cool stuff they did, so they covered me all the time. It was always crazy stuff, like renting a private plane to go to a concert, black cars with drivers, expensive dinners in exclusive clubs, etc.


#83 This Guy Is Living The Dream

I once had a roommate who craved for Japanese food one day. So, he went to Japan for dinner. He also once used his Macbook as an umbrella on a rainy day.


#84 One Man's Idiocy Is Another Man's Gain

My personal favorite was in college. A kid down the hall from me bought a brand new Fender Stratocaster and played with it for a day. He then got bored with it and sold it to me, case and all, for just $20. I still have it and play it fifteen years later. I asked him why he didn't sell it for closer to its original price and he said he didn't need the money. It's a great guitar.


#85 Don't Worry, Honey, You Just Burned The House Down

My dad bought his daughter a house in a VERY nice neighborhood so that she and her friends could live rent-free while they attended university. He remodeled the entire house. In all, he probably spent close to $2 million. Two weeks after moving in, they left a candle burning while they went to the store to get snacks for a football game. When they came home, the house was on fire. A month later, it was good as new for them to move back in.


#86 Wow, Your Life Must Be So Hard

While sitting in a group discussion in college, one kid whined that his parents were so disadvantaged, saying that they only brought home $500,000 a year. I sat there and kept quiet because my family only took home $30,000 a year. I was only at that college because of scholarships and financial aid. It made me feel really small.


#87 Hey, At Least He's Respectful

On my first day as a librarian in a private school, I helped a 7-year-old with the printer. He offered to tip me.


#88 A Little Tit For A Massive Tat

I was at a night club in my college town and my roommate's friend who drove a Ferrari was standing by the bar. I started chatting with the guy and we were getting along, so I offered to buy him a Y-Bomb. Being as wealthy as he was, he said, “You don’t have to do that man, save your money. The round will be on me.”

I explained to him it didn’t bother me; I was having a good time and insisted I bought the shots. Immediately after that, he pulled out a black Amex and purchased the nicest VIP booth in the club for around $3,000. Then, he asked the staff what drink packages they had and requested if he could buy two bottles on top of the max package. He looked at me and said, “tit for tat.”


#89 I Sure Wonder Why He Wants Money...

A girl at work told me she hated her dad. She said he kept asking for money since she used his credit card for a Euro trip and left him an $80,000 bill from last year. His dad was a multimillionaire so he probably didn't even need the money back from her, but he was clearly trying to teach her a lesson on the value of money.


#90 Geez, Can You Hold On A Minute?

A 14-year-old kid went into a full-volume cursing meltdown. "WHERE THE FREAK IS HE???" he yelled, referring to the pilot of his private helicopter that had brought him there. Apparently, the pilot had gone off to get a cup of coffee. The kid was done skiing for the day and found it totally unacceptable that he had to wait 10 minutes before he got flown home.


#91 Ah, The Wrath Of Stuck Up Mothers

I lived with five guys and I was the only one whose parents weren’t millionaires. They never cleaned, ever. About once a month, I would deep clean the house but two days afterward, there would always be garbage and food on the floor. I found out they all told their parents that I, the poor kid, made all the messes. One of their moms even came by to scream at me.


#92 Karma Is So, So Sweet

My ex-wife used to drive a 1998 Honda Accord that she treated like junk. One day, I drove it somewhere and noticed that it was falling apart. I had two options: leave it at the junkyard or sell it. I ended up going for the second option, and I put it on Craigslist for $250. I thought it would go to a low-income family, but when I met the buyer, he was not who I expected.

He pulled up in a brand new Escalade and told me that his son was spoiled. His son had crashed a BMW, Mercedes, and an Audi and so he was done buying him nice cars. Turns out, the guy purchased my car as a way of torturing his son. It satisfied me to know that the dad was going to use my car for his petty revenge.


#93 Oh Sweetie, You're Getting Sued

I knew a trust fund girl whose dad gave her the money to start a company. She lost it when she went on vacation for six months and forgot to pay her employees. She assumed that they would still be there when she got back, despite them not getting paid for six months. I quizzed her on this for a few minutes and it was clear she had no idea what a job was.


#94 Alright, That's Enough Of This Date

I met this guy off of Tinder. We hooked up a couple of times and while hanging out one day, it came out that he was rich. Not just normal rich, but rich to the extent that his family had staff whose only job was to polish the silverware. While I was reeling from that news, he proceeded to preach to me that he knew those staff members had such wonderful fulfilling lives, because they were helping to keep his house afloat and running smoothly. Did not see him again after that.


#95 Bud, It's Literally Impossible

I had a lot of friends who were way better off than me, but one kid, in particular, had EVERYTHING. He was a Jehovah's Witness, so he didn't do birthdays or Christmas. Instead, his parents would often just get him stuff to make up for it. At times, he would chew his mother out for buying him something that wasn't exactly what he wanted.

He was the type of kid that had all the games, consoles and toys in the world but would moan about it. During one of the last times I hung out with him, he was shouting at his mother because she had promised him that she would buy him a new guitar but she was working late that night and he wasn't able to go.

All the stores were closed, so it was literally impossible. She promised him she'd go the next day, but he refused to stop throwing his little temper tantrum. The kid just kept chewing her out because of it and spoke to her like she was some kind of moron. It was painful to watch, and I was like, 14 years old at the time.


#96 Sure, Let Me Just Pack My Bags

Upon mentioning that I had never been outside the US, a classmate of mine told me, "You should definitely go," as casually and nonchalantly as you'd tell someone to check out that new restaurant down the street. I was so frustrated that I just straight up told her, "We don't have that kind of money." An awkward silence followed.


#97 But...You Never Even Drove It...

I knew a kid whose mom was the CEO of a local bank and his dad was a seedy personal injury lawyer. On his 13th birthday, his parents bought him a brand new truck and he was the talk of seventh grade for a few weeks. Fast forward to three years later and he's about to turn 16-years-old, now demanding that his parents buy him a new one. They, of course, oblige. He got expelled from his school less than a year later and was sent to an alternative boarding school for kids with behavior problems.


#98 College Is Hard, Here's A Porsche

I went to a private university with a girl whose father was an executive for Tommy Hilfiger. She got homesick while at school and instead of getting a care package with cookies and other little things from home, she got a Porsche Carrera GT.


#99 Well, He Sure Didn't Give A Heck

I was about seven or eight years old, spending the night at my cousins' house. They were much better off than we were. It was an amazing place. We played for hours. But picture this: we're playing with LEGOs as any 8-year-old kids would do, and he needed a simple little 1x1 piece. He found a 1x1 piece with the little loop attached, then took wire cutters and cut the loop of. I was mortified. I still am 30 years later. Destroying a "special piece" always struck me as the most "I don't give a heck" rich kid thing I've ever seen.


#100 This Is The Epitome Of Lazy

At the end of the school year, we had to clean out our dorm rooms. Well, this one kid's parents flew out a servant from China to the US to clean his room. Still blows my mind to this day.


#101 Who Invited You Over, Man?

I attended a boarding school and lived across the hall from the kid of a major CEO. This kid was a little brat, to say the least. On multiple occasions, he would walk into my room while I was doing homework and start going through my clothing. He'd get to my belts and start ridiculing my taste in them. Apparently, they weren't "rich" enough.

“What is this? This belt sucks. Why don’t you get Gucci?” I would respond, “I like that belt... and I don’t need Gucci to look nice.” He then grabbed all of my belts, threw them in the trash, then dropped a stack of hundreds on my bed saying, "Here, you need Gucci in your life." Another time, he had been saying that he didn’t want to microwave mac and cheese anymore, so he offered me $50 to make him mac and cheese whenever he wanted. I accepted instantly. Easiest money I've ever made.


#102 Have A Little Sympathy, Dude

My old roommate had been doing an internship with Nike in Portland over the summer. When he got back for our last semester, I told him I was worried because I hadn't saved enough money for tuition. He then shared, while nonchalantly eating his chips and salsa, that he had been charging thousands of dollars in Nike Limited Edition shoes, Gucci products, and alcohol to his credit card for the past four months. His response was, “It’ll all work out, I just need to send my bills to my parents. I keep forgetting to do that.”


#103 She's Lucky The R.A. Was Nice

A girl in college kept putting her clothes on the floor and then would knock on the RAs door and tell her the clothes were piling up. Our RA was a foreign exchange student but such a sweetheart and she was actually washing the clothes to be nice. The floor told the RA to stop and scolded the girl to do her own laundry. She was absolutely insulted that she had to do her own laundry to the point that she ended up re-wearing clothes or throwing them out and just buying new ones.


#104 How Old Are You Again?

My 30-year-old girlfriend threw a full-on, psychotic meltdown because her incredibly wealthy parents' Christmas check was not written for the amount she'd been expecting. She was like, writhing on the floor, loudly bawling like a five-year-old. In her fit of rage, she picked up her dad's new iPhone and threw it against the wall, smashing it to pieces.

When her folks wouldn't acquiesce, she began threatening to hurt herself. She was thirty years old. Thirty! I'd already purchased the engagement ring and was planning to ask her on New Year's Eve. Man, that was close! I could never be with someone so spoiled and self-centered as that. Hopefully, I'll find someone better.




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