

Students Share The Stupidest Reason Why They Got In Trouble At School

We've all gotten into trouble at school at some point during our academic careers, whether we intended to cause a problem or were completely framed.
June 13, 2023 Jess Silverberg

Bosses Share The Craziest Reason They Had To Fire An Employee

No employee is perfect, but sometimes you will come across workers that make you wonder exactly how they got hired at all.
April 21, 2020 Andie Wood

People Share The Most Ridiculous Reason They've Been Dumped

Love is a fickle thing. One day, you're on top of the world with your partner; then the next day, you get dumped for reasons you don't even understand.
April 16, 2020 Jess Silverberg

Heartbroken Parents Share The Unfortunate Reason Why They Disowned Their Child

It's hard to fathom parents losing their love for their kids; however, sometimes there is no valid solution and the only thing they can do is disown them.
December 2, 2019 Jess Silverberg

Divorce Lawyers Share The Most Outrageous Reason A Client Filed For Divorce

From crazy husbands and wives to petty disputes over the most ridiculous things, divorce lawyers are never short of an interesting divorce tale.
October 26, 2019 Jess Silverberg

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